C++ Programming in Jaipur - Digital Computer Classes C++ Programming in Jaipur - Digital Computer Classes

C++ Programming in Jaipur

C++ is a powerful and versatile programming language known for its efficiency, flexibility, and performance. It is widely used in system software, game development, embedded systems, scientific computing, and more. C++ supports both procedural and object-oriented programming paradigms and offers features like strong typing, low-level memory manipulation, and a rich standard library.

Course Objectives:

  • Fundamentals of C++: Master the syntax, data types, variables, operators, control structures (loops, conditionals), functions, and pointers in C++.
  • Object-Oriented Programming (OOP): Understand classes, objects, inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation, and abstraction in C++.
  • STL (Standard Template Library): Utilize STL containers (like vectors, lists, maps), algorithms (sorting, searching), and iterators for efficient data manipulation.
  • File I/O Operations: Read from and write to files using C++ streams, handling text and binary data effectively.
  • Memory Management: Learn about dynamic memory allocation and deallocation using new and delete operators, smart pointers (like unique_ptr, shared_ptr), and memory management techniques.
  • Exception Handling: Implement exception handling to manage runtime errors and ensure robust error recovery in C++ programs.
  • Concurrency: Develop multithreaded applications using C++ threads, synchronization primitives (mutex, condition variables), and atomic operations.
  • Advanced Topics: Explore advanced C++ features such as lambda expressions, move semantics, function objects, and template metaprogramming for generic programming.

Prerequisite / Target Audience:
This course is suitable for beginners and intermediate programmers looking to deepen their understanding of C++ programming. Prior experience with any programming language is beneficial but not required. It is ideal for students, software developers, and engineers interested in systems programming, game development, or applications requiring high performance and efficiency.

Course Modules

  • What is C++ Programming?
  • Evolution and History of C++
  • Distinctions Between C and C++
  • Object-Oriented Programming and Key Concepts of OOP”
  • C++ Streams Overview
  • Code for comprehending cin and cout streams
  • Code for understanding get() and put() functions
  • Code for grasping read() and write() functions
  • Code for comprehending getline() and write() functions
  • Structure of a C++ Program
  • Tokens in C++
  • Data Types in C++
  • Explicit Type Casting
  • Implicit Type Casting
  • Constants in C++
  • Operators in C++
  • Reference and Dereference Operators
  • Scope Resolution Operator
  • Memory Management Operators
  • Comparison between malloc() and new in C++
  • Demonstration of new and delete operators
  • Dynamic Memory Allocation and Deallocation
  • Array of Pointers
  • Dynamic Memory Allocation for 2-D Array
  • Reference Variables in C++
  • free() vs delete in C++
  • Comma Operator”
  • C++ if-else Statements
  • Determine Grades Based on Student Marks
  • C++ switch Statement
  • Identify if a Character is a Vowel or Consonant
  • C++ Looping
  • Verify if a Number is a Neon Number
  • Ascertain if a Number is a Spy Number
  • Validate if a Number is an Automorphic Number
  • Print Floyd’s Triangle
  • Use of goto Statement in C++
  • Utilize exit() Function in C++
  • Continue Statement in C++
  • Introduction to C++ Functions
  • Passing by Pointer vs. Passing by Reference
  • Call by Address
  • Call by Reference
  • Return by Reference
  • Default Arguments
  • Inline Function
  • Distinctions Between Inline and Macro
  • Polymorphism and Function Overloading
  • Introduction to Classes and Objects in C++
  • Understanding Public, Private, and Protected Keywords
  • Demonstration of Class and Object
  • Sorting Array Elements and Demonstrating String Usage with Class and Object
  • Finding the Reverse of a String
  • Passing Objects to Functions
  • Returning Objects as Arguments
  • Working with Arrays of Objects
  • Implementation of External Member Function Using Inline
  • Exploring Static Data Members and Static Member Functions
  • Friend Function Concept in C++
  • Introduction to Constructors in C++
  • Exploring Copy Constructors in C++
  • Constructor Overloading
  • Default Arguments in Constructors
  • Understanding Anonymous Objects
  • Constructors and Destructors with Static Members
  • Introduction to Operator Overloading
  • Overloading with Friend Functions
  • Conversion from Basic Data Type to User-Defined Data Type (Class Type)
  • Conversion from Class Type to Basic Data Type
  • Conversion between Different Class Types
  • Rules for Overloading Operators
  • Exploring Inheritance and Access Specifiers in C++
  • Virtual Base Class in C++
  • Single-Level Inheritance
  • Constructors in Multiple Inheritance
  • Parameterized Constructors in Inheritance
  • Container Ship
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Inheritance
  • Working with Pointers to Objects
  • The ‘this’ Pointer in C++
  • Early Binding and Late Binding in C++
  • Introduction to C++ Virtual Functions
  • Pure Virtual Functions and Abstract Classes in C++
  • Differences b/w compile time and run time polymorphism
  • Handling Files with File Streams in C++
  • Example of Writing to a File using C++ FileStream
  • Example of Reading from a File using C++ FileStream
  • C++ Read and Write Illustration
  • Demonstrating EOF Function and Append Mode
  • Reversing the Content of a File
  • Introduction to Exception Handling in C++
  • Handling Exceptions in Constructors and Destructors
  • Managing Uncaught Exceptions
  • Exceptions and Inheritance
  • ARRAY Container in STL
  • Using PAIR in C++ STL
  • Introduction to TUPLE in C++ STL
  • Utilizing Vector Class in C++ STL
  • Final exam or assessment to evaluate course comprehension
  • Certification of completion for successful participants

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    Student Review Screenshot
    C++ is a powerful, general-purpose programming language originally developed as an extension of the C programming language. It supports both procedural and object-oriented programming paradigms and is widely used for system software, game development, embedded systems, and more.
    Learning C++ provides several benefits: Performance: C++ allows for efficient memory management and low-level manipulation, making it suitable for performance-critical applications. Versatility: It can be used for developing a wide range of applications from desktop software to high-performance servers and game engines. Industry Demand: Many industries, including finance, telecommunications, and game development, rely on C++ for its speed and efficiency. Learning OOP: C++ offers a robust foundation in object-oriented programming (OOP) principles, which are essential for modern software development.
    C++ can be challenging for beginners due to its complex syntax and emphasis on manual memory management. However, with dedication and practice, learners can grasp its fundamentals and gradually master its advanced features.
    Key features of C++ include: Object-Oriented Programming: Classes, objects, inheritance, polymorphism, and encapsulation. STL (Standard Template Library): Containers (like vectors, lists), algorithms (sorting, searching), and iterators for efficient data manipulation. Memory Management: Manual memory allocation/deallocation using new/delete, as well as smart pointers (unique_ptr, shared_ptr). Performance: Efficient execution and low-level control over hardware resources. Compatibility: C++ is backward compatible with C, allowing integration of C libraries and code.
    With C++, you can: Develop system software like operating systems, compilers, and device drivers. Create high-performance applications such as games, real-time simulations, and scientific computing software. Build desktop applications, database systems, and embedded systems for IoT devices. Contribute to open-source projects, libraries, and frameworks that rely on C++ for performance and efficiency.