Linux Administration - Digital Computer Classes

Linux Administration

Course Modules

  • What is Linux?
  • Everyday use of Linux
  • Unix vs. Linux
  • Oracle VirtualBox Overview
  • Download and Installation
  • Virtual Machine Creation
  • Linux Distributions
  • Installing Linux
  • Linux Desktop Environment
  • Virtual Machine Management
  • Linux vs. Windows
  • Linux User Base
  • Accessing Linux System
  • Download and Install Putty
  • New Network Commands
  • Connect Linux VM via Putty
  • Important Things to Remember in Linux
  • Introduction to File System
  • File System Structure Description
  • File System Navigation Commands
  • File System Paths
  • Directory Listing Overview
  • Creating Files and Directories
  • Linux File Types
  • Finding Files and Directories (find, locate)
  • Difference between find and locate command
  • Changing Password
  • Wildcard (*, $, ^)
  • Soft and Hard Links (ln)
  • How to open image file through GUI
  • Commands Syntax
  • File Permissions (chmod)
  • File Ownership (chown, chgrp)
  • Getting Help (man, whatis etc.)
  • TAB Completion and Up Arrow Keys
  • Adding Text to File
  • Standard Output to a File (tee command)
  • Pipes ( | )
  • File Maintenance Commands
  • File Display Commands
  • Filters / Text Processing Commands – cut, sort, grep, awk, uniq, wc
  • Compare Files (diff, cmp)
  • Compress and Un-compress Files/Directories – tar, gzip, gunzip
  • Truncate File Size (truncate)
  • Combining and Splitting Files – cat and split
  • Linux vs. Windows Commands
  • Linux File Editors (vi text editor)
  • “sed” Command
  • User Account Management
  • Switch Users and Sudo Access
  • Monitor Users
  • Talking to Users (users, wall, write)
  • Linux Directory Service – Account Authentication
  • System Utility Commands – date, uptime, hostname, which, cal, bc, etc.
  • Processes and Schedules – systemctl, ps, top, kill, crontab, at
  • System Monitoring Commands – top, df, dmesg, iostat 1, netstat, free, etc.
  • OS Maintenance Commands – shutdown, reboot, halt, init, etc.
  • System Logs Monitor (/var/log)
  • Changing System Hostname (hostnamectl)
  • Finding System Information – uname, cat /etc/redhat-release, cat /etc/rel, dmidecode
  • System Architecture (arch)
  • Terminal Control Keys
  • Terminal Commands – clear, exit, script
  • Recovering Root Password (Single User Mode)
  • SOS Report
  • Environment Variables
  • Linux Kernel
  • What is a Shell?
  • Types of Shells
  • Shell Scripting
  • Basic Shell Scripts
  • If-Then Scripts
  • For Loop Scripts
  • Do-While Scripts
  • Case Statement Scripts
  • Aliases
  • Command History
  • Enabling Internet in Linux VM
  • Network Components
  • Network Files and Commands – ping, ifconfig, netstat, tcpdump, networking config files
  • NIC Information (ethtool)
  • NIC or Port Bonding
  • Download Files with URLs (wget)
  • curl and ping Commands
  • File Transfer Commands – ftp, scp, etc.
  • System Updates and Repositories – rpm and yum
  • System Upgrade/Patch Management
  • Create Local Repository from CD/DVD
  • Advanced Package Management
  • Rollback Patches and Updates
  • SSH and Telnet
  • DNS
  • Hostname and IP Lookup (nslookup and dig)
  • NTP
  • chronyd
  • Sendmail
  • Apache Web Server (http)
  • Central Logger (rsyslogd)
  • Securing Linux Machine (OS Hardening)
  • OpenLDAP Installation
  • Tracing Network Traffic (traceroute)
  • System Run Levels
  • Linux Boot Process
  • Message of the Day
  • Customize Message of the Day
  • Storage
  • Disk Partition – df, fdisk, etc.
  • Add Disk and Create Standard Partition
  • Logical Volume Management (LVM)
  • LVM Configuration during Installation
  • Add Disk and Create LVM Partition
  • Extend Disk using LVM
  • Adding Swap Space
  • RAID
  • File System Check (fsck and xfs_repair)
  • System Backup (dd Command)
  • Network File System (NFS)
  • Difference Between CentOS/Redhat 5, 6, and 7
  • Advanced Package Management
  • Filesystem and Disk Management
  • Advanced Shell Scripting
  • User Authentication
  • Security Best Practices
  • Intrusion Detection and Prevention
  • Web and Database Servers Setup
  • Containerization and Orchestration
  • Cloud Computing with Linux
  • Troubleshooting and Debugging
  • Final exam or assessment to evaluate course comprehension
  • Certification of completion for successful participants

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